OMA is in an acronym element and Ltd. is in an abbr element.

-This is sample computer code- within the samp element;
-this computer code text example- is within the code element;
this program variable is in a var element: varABCD;
-and this is keyboard text- within the kbd element.

Retrieval is defined as The download of the MM. (dfn element)
This text is emphasised. (em element)

This text, in a pre element,
  preserves both      spaces and
line breaks and is
in a fixed-pitch   font.

This text is in a blockquote element. The final sentence which is in a q element, must be rendered within quotation marks, and is from [OMA-MMS-CONF] (a citation in a cite element). The following XHTMLMP modules SHALL be supported as a minimum in presentation.